Portrait Illustration
I would love to share here a compilation of illustrations I have created during the years.
While I have been moving from branding to UI design and - more recently - to product business analysis in my career, whenever I feel the need to re-ingnite my creative spark, I go back to drawing as a creative outlet. Drawing is like my base, the starting point that launched me into the realm of design. When I need to recollect, that is where I go.
Since I was a child, I have always enjoyed drawing portraits of girls and women. As a teenager, I drew inspiration from the Japanese-American illustrator Pater Sato. While Sato was known for his Sci-Fi inspired airbrush work, it is his crayon work that has been mostly inspirational to me. His use of pastel colours aligns well with my aesthetic. I love the way he used crayon strokes, and his art stirs my nostalgia for the ‘80s and 90s.
However, I also admire the skills and style of the Art Nouveau era. Artists like Mucha have been very influential over the years. Like many others, I have not been immune to the fascination.
While I do not actively refer to these icons of portraiture while drawing, I know that I somehow make use of their influence in my own illustrations.
So, here is a carousel of my portrait illustrations - hope you’ll enjoy!